Monday, May 31, 2010

Today's Reflection: Interview Series Part #2 with Catherine Bigbee

Following each segment of my interview series, I'll be reflecting on the words of advice from my distinguished interviewees. My goal is to figure out what the future holds for me, so I'm hoping to gain some direction from these fabulous role models.

3 Highlights from Catherine's Interview

1. As the world becomes more global, understanding diverse cultures and empathizing with other people's experiences is evermore invaluable.

I love the way that Catherine summed up the importance of striving for understanding of backgrounds different from our own. Individuals need not be from another country to have had a different upbringing and set of experiences, and therefore a different way of looking at the world. There is nothing more detrimental to teamwork than failure to empathize with those one is working with. A great way to purposefully experience other cultures is traveling to new places and attempting to see the world through the lens of a native. The most significant part of my two study abroad experiences to Granada and Pamplona Spain was the opportunity to live with a host family. Right off the bat I was forced to communicate in Spanish, and I learned more about Spanish culture from experiencing it than would ever be possible to gain from a text book. I asked for travel tips from natives, ate in restaurants recommended by the locals, and minimized interaction with other students from the United States. Though communication was at times a struggle, and new surroundings were often initially uncomfortable, I will treasure my experiences more because I broke free from the tourist zone.

2. Build up areas that you are naturally talented in.

Catherine spoke about her experiences with Strengths Based Leadership using the Clifton StrengthsFinder. I was privileged to learn about this program from Miss Bigbee, and have found it to be extremely useful in developing my leadership and career skills.

For those of you who have not had the Strengthsquest experience, I would advise you to visit the website or any major book store and purchase the program. It will be the best $15-$20 you have spent this month, and will offer you endless insight and personal development. StrengthsFinder is an online questionnaire that takes about 30 minutes. Responses are evaluated, and the program determines the top 5 themes of talent the user possesses.

Before knowing my top 5 Strengthsquest themes, it was often extremely easy to agonize over areas in which I am not naturally strong instead of focusing on taking on experiences which enhance my natural talents. I will reveal my top 5 strengths and how they are applicable in my life in a future post.

3. "Cast your net" wide and seek jobs which you will have a passion for.

I developed two personal goals after hearing this piece of advice:
1. Apply for an average of 10 jobs per week (2 per weekday) until I have obtained a job.
2. Because I am in the early stages of my job search, I will set the bar high as I choose positions to apply for. Inevitably, I will have more passion for a job I am challenged and fulfilled by, so I will continue to seek jobs with those attractive qualities.

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