Monday, May 10, 2010

Today, I'm Starting a Blog

The Goal: It all started with a question: “What are you doing with your life?” As a child I would have answered with ease and certainty that I had full intentions of being a veterinarian or marine biologist. How hard could it be? Through the years, the answer changed slightly, but even after 3 years of higher education at South Dakota State University, I was on a seemingly straight path toward entering medical school with the goal of becoming a physician. As the moment of truth, entering the real world, approached, I began to question my future, and then one evening as I grudgingly opened my M-CAT study book, I had a breakdown. I’d realized I simply could not do it anymore. I didn’t question my competency, knowing that if I set mind to completing a goal, I’d find a way to do it, but I questioned my passion. How was I going to put my heart into being successful in my career, if I couldn’t even find the motivation to study for a test? I called my parents, and was surprised to hear that they had thought I’d change my mind about medical school long before I did. Then they asked that question for the first time: “So, what now?” I was at a loss for words, something rare for me. I had no idea, but somehow I was more at peace than I’d been in three years. Over the next year, I heard that question countless times from family, friends, professors, administrators, employers, friends of family, friends of friends, people who truly cared about the answer, people who didn’t care at all and were just making conversation, and everyone in between. I still don’t know the answer, and first and foremost, I am okay with that.

The goal of this blog is to seek an answer to that question by asking myself what I’m doing with my life every day.

The Timeline: Two days ago, I walked across the stage and received my college diploma, and today was the first Monday in my educational career that I woke with literally no idea what the future holds. Stairs are climbed step-by-step, and I can’t expect to make a sound life decision in a day. On the other hand, reality is harsh, and in the words of one of my favorite contemporary poets Gabriela Garcia Medina, “You can’t light up the world until you’ve paid your light bill. You can’t bring forth change if you’ve got no change.” Therefore I’ll give myself a one-year deadline to at least have an answer to the question “What’s next for you?” In that time, I’ll embrace new experiences and reflect on them.

Why? Because I’m not alone. It’s no secret that the job outlook for college graduates is anything but rosy. If you don’t believe me, please see the articles and video below:

Job outlook for 2010 grads: Still Stinks

It's time to grow up - Later

Fresh Out of College: But Can't Land Work

Video: Bleak Job Outlook for College Grads

I’m not necessarily writing for an audience, but rather seeking a way to stay motivated in the search for opportunity. That being said, if even one person relates to my experiences, finds them comforting or inspiring, or simply takes from them a lesson in what not to do, I will consider this blog a success.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Stephanie!! Enjoy a very meaningful journey in your search.
